The integral solutions company has been working as a state supplier more than 10 years through ChileCompra, a platform through which it participates in public calls. On the other hand, it has four Framework Agreements with the state, and thanks to this system, the company can offer its products and services without resorting to bids, thus carrying out purchases in an expedited way.

The system called ChileCompra, is responsible for managing the country’s public procurement platform. Vigatec has been offering products and services for more than 10 years through this modality, which has become a strategic way to position the integral solutions it manufacture and the brands it represents in the country.

Hugo Méndez, SBU sales assistant manager for Vigatec comments on the importance of participating in public purchases, “apart from large companies, the state our generally big buyer, therefore, being present in this purchasing system has generated great business opportunities.” In addition, he explains that they are currently part of four Framework Agreements, which recognize the company as a supplier for a certain product and allows them to receive purchase orders without having to go through a bidding process.

Méndez details the products and services with which Vigatec has Framework Agreements “We rent and supply printers, we offer digital educational resources, hardware, software licenses, as well as stationery and, finally, Datacenter services and associated services such as FAAS software”, he also adds that they plan to increase their offer of new products, prices, offers and catalogs.

Consolidating itself as a State supplier, shows the solidity and quality with which Vigatec works with its clients.